I’m a dab girlie so like a rig (a bong with a dab nail)
All the waysss baby! Definitely love bongs on top but I roll, smoke the gravity bong, got dabs
Bowl typically but I love a good joint
Right now im obsessed with blunts and dabs but I love a good bong rip
Right now I smoke blunts and pens @Mackenzi
Dab pen lol
Dabs with a sipper and pens 🥰
I like my cones ❤️
I actually prefer bongs but tend to roll blunts for the convenience
I got to roll 😭 I have the pens but idk it feel like they don’t do nothing
I'm either a paper or a straight fronto (tobacco leaf) so I did dibble and dabble while pregnant but I only used papers at that time. (No judgment of course to any mamas that do) But it was also something I started beforehand so I just continued. Now I'm back to fronto lol
Love my dab pen
@Candice lowkey I agree I feel like I GO THRU carts where flower lasts longer 😭
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@Yocelyn my MIL do the pens n she be buying the big one idk if it’s 2g or 1g n she goes through them quick too I like paper n strip of backwood. I didn’t smoke while pregnant like every day n when I did only did papers. But I think it’s that tabacco kick I be missing w the carts.
@Candice girl you on to sum cause right after I smoke then hit my nic im like shhhhheeeeeeeeeesssshhhh
Vape or edibles.
@Candice I do pens and blunts
@Allie i just joined it
Before I found out I was pregnant I was smoking bongs, dabs, blunts anything and everything but now I gotta stay focused on my LO
Dabs but I mainly use carts now
@Yocelyn yea it’s definitely the nicotine boosting my high or something but when I don’t smoke w tabaco I be feeling like im missing something or the bud is not working I that’s how I feel lmao
@Allie I joined !!
@Mackenzi with my first one I wasnt able to get high or enjoy the high for like the first 3-6 months. But I think it was the first time mama thing with all the new emotions n stuff n the shit was that the hospital literally traumatized me with the sudden infant death syndrome that I was paranoid n checking him every minute 🥲
Rn I'm smoking a bowl but I'd rather smoke a blunt but I can't roll for shit