Yupp , same here. Just spent the last hour trying to get him to go to sleep, I fed him (a proper feeding) and then continued feeding every 15 mins or so to the point where he would latch, but then unlatch after 3 sucks. I’m sure he decided to just use me as a human pacifier because no way he was still hungry. He used to be so good and would fall asleep instantly, but now he fights the sleep, doesn’t want to sleep in his bassinet in the night (but will during the day only if he’s on his stomach) and seems to be really fussy if he’s not held every second that he’s awake. He poops in the morning and throughout the day, but seems to stop in the evening and night and gets a bit gassy which makes it worse. I’m sure it’s just a growth spurt/getting older. Hopefully it doesn’t last very long for all of us lol.
Maybe the baby is gassy? I noticed that about mine. He can’t sleep in peace as he gets very agitated when he is placed on his back and then you would hear a fart and then he would calm down for a bit.. We started probiotics but don’t seem to help much yet..
My LO is just over a month, and we're right there with you, but for us, the fussyness is the worst between 4-8pm and then is okay at night, thankfully
These all sound like the witching hour!! Most likely due to gas. I had my second and he's not as bad as my first but has his moments. Massaging the belly/bicycles/gripe water/farting/pooping/hiccupping all help right away Sometimes their gassiness confuses them and they act like they're hungry by rooting and sucking hard on their pacifiers but that's just them trying to calm themselves and not knowing what to do. But you keep feeding which makes them worse/cry even more
We are at week 6 and she’s so fussy. Doesn’t want to be put down at night. Only cuddled / held won’t sleep in bassinet but will in the day. She’s over tired and passes out imminently in my arms but can’t transfer at night. She’s pooped 8 times last night , every time I got her to sleep she would wake up to poop. It’s been 4 days and I’m only sleeping in the day for short periods on and off and up all night. Everything was so chill until this week 🥲😅 I guess this is the 4th trimester I keep hearing about.