You can take someone who you trust with you for a drive around your local streets. Someone who is reassuring x
First big trip I took was to Scotland on my own (a 7 hour drive from where I live) 4 weeks after passing my test and I was absolutely shitting it the night before. Once you’re out and about on your own tho, it’s definitely easier then you would think. You’ve got all the skills you need and just think, you’ve been driving, with someone else granted, but you’ve been driving, nothings changing cause you’ve not got anyone in the passenger seat. You’ve got this!
do a long drive early on! (a couple of hours), getting a long drive out the way i found really helpful and helped my confidence massively.
After I bought my car and had to drive it home myself I had a panic attack for like an hour. Every time I somewhat pulled it together my dad would say ok you can do it and go to leave any I would just break down all over again. It was slightly ridiculous but i was so stressed. I finally did it though (white knuckles) and I was fine after that. It’s actually hard to believe how much driving used to stress me out. Now I find it quite relaxing
@Hannah did you use a sat nav for your long journey? Or just drove anywhere? This sounds like what I probably need to do to get over it tbh ✨
@Poppy thanks I’m gonna do the long drive it sounds like it will help a lot. Not 7hrs though hahaha not sure how you managed that! but I guess once you’re on the road you just keep going and it isn’t as daunting 🙃
i did use my sat nav yeah! i think it’s more nerve wracking just driving around without a set destination in mind personally. not sure if you’re from the UK or not but i drove from bedfordshire > birmingham, roughly was about 2 hours one way, so wasn’t crazy long but long enough! i parked up and went shopping there as a treat before driving back the confidence will come naturally the more you drive. also, make sure to visit places like drive thru, petrol stations, car washes etc. i left all those as long as possible and they all make me nervous now 🤣 get a good playlist on and head off! you’ve got this gal!! xxx
@Hannah thank you so much! This is super helpful! 💕 and yes I’m from the UK that’s basically same distance from Manchester (where I live) to Birmingham. I should do the same thing, then ring you if I get stuck 🤣 And oh god I’m dreading the gas stations I was telling my husband imagine I get there and not know how to do it 😂
my only advice for petrol stations is remember what side your petrol thingy is on 🤣🤣 i once went on the wrong side and i thought the hose would stretch but it didn’t. i had to get back in my car and drive off to another petrol station, i couldn’t go back to the same one out of embarrassment 🤣
@Hannah that’s hilarious 🤣 something I would do hahahah 😂
Do a small journey first on your own just like down your road or round the block. Or even to a shop x