Low LH surge

Has anyone had any experience with low LH surges? I’m pretty sure I’m at my peak and it’s only .74 using the Premom T/C strips. I’m really hoping I actually ovulate. 🤞🏻
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Hi yes, my peak is 0.22, other days it's 0.02 ot 0.00. My LH is so low but I have had 2 pregnancies. So it's not impossible to fall pregnant with low LH. I use that premom app too.. I'm hoping to have my rainbow baby but seeing that peak at 0.22 is sooo upsetting x

Thank you for this!!! I ended up not getting pregnant last month. Hoping this is my month! I’m 2DPO and am holding out until the 13th to test.

I'm sorry to hear this, I'm 7dpo and waiting to test, I hate the waitxx

Was your LH levels higher this month?xx

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