Starting foods

Wasn’t sure on if my LO is eating enough and done some research on google, not sure when to start puree foods as well as formula or when to start? Has anyone else tried it already with a 4month old
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I’ll be starting 6 months at the absolute earliest if my son is showing signs of readiness. If not I’ll be waiting longer than that x

I have done a gentle start at around 4 months with all mine, I think because when I was weaning my first the advice was to start at 4 months not sure when that changed so I have such with that as it worked so well for my first. They all have enjoyed a little taste of purées, at the start it won’t help with how much they are eating as they have such a small amount in the beginning it is more about getting them used to the different tastes and textures than the amount but as time goes on they will have bigger amounts.

I have weaned my son at 4.5 months. Arr EBF? As for formula, you can start whenever it should not be anything different. Regarding Puree , at the beginning, start slow once a day for a week. See how they're and if they love it and want more slowly add more every couple of days. Don't drop any milk feeds. At this point, it's just exploring allergens, tastes, and textures. Follow their ques, and you will be good. When it comes to WHO standard, it's a guide. It's done in such a way that countries where food and clean water access are difficult their want to encourage breastfeeding as long as possible for the best outcomes.

I am getting everything ready for my LG now we are starting in the new year.

It’s advised six month due to their digestive systems not being fully developed. I started at 17 weeks under doctors orders due to her allergies and she won’t drink anymore then 12 oz in a 24hour period. She’s finally on a steady weight gain. If you are going to start though start with savoury foods rather then sweet food first. I did savoury foods for 2 weeks and now she’ll have savoury around 12-1 and then half five she has half the amount of savoury and then like a pudding which is fruit

I have started introducing purées to my daughter as she shows all the signs of readiness, plus her weight is a little lower than they’d like. We started with 2 teaspoons a day, and within a few weeks she’s on a pouch a day spread over 3 little feeds as she just loves it!

@Leah big pouch or a little one?

@Paige normally small but today and yesterday a big one as she really wanted it on top of her normal feeds

Ahh fair enough. My dietician for my little one said to space the big ones over two days till at least 6 months as there stomachs can’t handle too much. I tend to do my own but I use the fruit pouches as I’m too lazy to do mixed fruit ones

@Paige we got told to go with her hunger cues and let her decide how much and she is hungry hungry these last 2 days (I think it’s growth spurt time again) and we’ve had no problems with her tummy so far so we’re going with the flow

I'll be waiting until 6 months, assuming she's ready, and I won't be doing purees, we'll do blw like with our son

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