I had my baby on Christmas Eve and I feel the exact same. I cry just from looking at him because I love him so much and am constantly worrying he’s not okay and can’t stand to hear him cry. I think this is very normal though and will fade. But just remember it shows that you are already an amazing mummy because your little baby means that much to you. Just try and remember that help is available. I’m sorry I can’t give better advise 😢❤️❤️❤️
My baby is 2 weeks old Monday & honestly I’m exactly the same. I have cried to my midwife, and they think I may have birth ptsd so it might be worth telling her how you feel when she isn’t there. I literally don’t sleep at night because I’m checking on him every 10 minutes & then I start feeling really lonely when I can’t sleep 😅 I’ve even cried over how to do bottle feeds at night because it breaks my heart hearing him cry! You’re aren’t alone & it’s totally normal how you’re feeling it will ease 🥰
I had my little girl on the 18th too. I'm in a similar boat to you. Struggling mentally atm with breastfeeding and everything else. Always a message away if you need to chat xx
@Katie breastfeeding is exhausting. I don't know whether she's getting enough or not, some days she decides she will only take from one side, some days she's doing all the hand signals that she's hungry but won't latch I genuinely just don't know if I'm doing everything right or not xx
@Danielle thank you, I'm sorry you're feeling the same. I hate night time, I worry my partner isn't sleeping enough yet when he's asleep I sit and Google and analyse everything she's doing and make myself ten times worse. I hope you're alright x
@Lia M I cry from looking at mine too. I hope that this passes for us soon. Thank you so much ❤️
@Gemma it's so stressful isn't it. I hope you're alright ❤️ I just wish they could tell us if they're alright or not x
I am the same. Have you tried a nipple shield? I have found my little girl latches a lot better and I can hear her taking all the milk in. I try to keep her latched for max half an hour. Honestly it's completely normal. Have you tried expressing? I always express a little bit after babu has fed so then the next time she is due a feed she can have the expressed too. I too am finding it mentally and physically draining xxx
Could you try journaling some of your thoughts and sharing those with your midwife? Also don’t forget about talking therapies via the nhs if you need a sounding board. Sending lots of love x
I had my little girl on 18th too and have been feeling the same x
This is so so so normal for a new Mum and it honestly does get easier and the worries lessen. My little girl is 7 months now and I am in such a better headspace about all of this. It just takes time and as you get more confident, you start to learn your baby, they get more robust and it just naturally gets easier. Your body is also still flooded with PP hormones which make everything 100 times worse. Go easy on yourself. Trust yourself and your baby, they’re much stronger than you think. Xxx
Have you tried using a swaddle bag? She may like the tighter feeling when in her next to me x
I'm 2 weeks PP and honestly right now I'm exactly the same! I literally could have written this word for word! If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me! X