Congratulations first of all🤍 nerves are so common in pregnancy no matter if you’re 7+4 or 37+4 it’s such a scary thing for our bodies to be going through plus your hormones will be all over the place I struggled with the 1st trimester with my hormones as soon as 2nd trimester hit it was like heaven I’m also a 1st time mumma had my little boy 12 days ago🥰 the over heating and sweating is also very normal I was always soooo cold before always wearing hoodies or long sleeves because I was freezing all the time but again it’s your hormones working and your body working extra! Just remember to keep drinking plenty of fluids it’ll really help and I found I had the fan on even when its freezing outside or during the night the fan would go on because of how hot and sweaty I was getting! Hope this helps my lovely! You got this🤍
@Keeley thank you 🫶 this makes me feel better. We have tried so long to get pregnant so everything worries me!
Keeley has it right all the way! I was super anxious and my ob prescribed me with sertraline at 12w.. my girl just turned 5 months on Christmas eve and I'm still taking it because it helps with my ppa/ppd
I was sooooo hot throughout my whole pregnancy. Cold showers (which you would never catch me doing pre or post pregnancy) and cool foot baths helped a ton. Even bringing a big ice pack wrapped in a cloth to bed sometimes.
I felt SO anxious when I was pregnant. Like it wasn’t all in my head.. I could feel my cortisol was higher… and apparently that’s an evolutionary thing that comes along with pregnancy! It really sucked tbh. My daughter is 14 months now and it’s weird looking back on it. Try to stay grounded and remind yourself it is only temporary ❤️ Comfort shows, cuddles, warm beverages, and fans can be helpful!
I’m also a first timer but I would say it’s normal I’m the same way but if your worried about it it doesn’t hurt to see your ob or dr try not to stress too much you got this mama!