Wa aleykoum salam. Are you back on your period after giving birth?
@Mera are you able to tell me who so I can search as I'm unable to find
@Marième my LO is 21months, I've been having my periods monthly but for 3minths didn't see it and now I'm just bleeding over the normal period days x
Yes Ustada Rummana she has instagram and snapchat https://www.instagram.com/rummana23?igsh=N3NtYmZ2dHk3cnQz Imam asad https://www.instagram.com/asadaliiis?igsh=MXF4eTQzM2FlaDcwMA==
Walaykum asalaam these sort of questions are to be answered by learned people there are many on instagram and snapchat. Please contact them instead they also do Q&As weekly on instagram