@Whitney hi Whitney! My daughter’s name Is also Whitney!! ❤️❤️❤️ And honestly you are the FIRST teacher I have heard in a long time to say what you are saying. I was literally talking to my mom telling her we need hooked on phonics NOW! She for the most part does all the things you mentioned with the exception to letter sounds, she CAN count… but I don’t think she understands the concept of counting lol. This is so helpful!! Thank you!!
@Wendi I haven’t met many others named Whitney. 💕 I know there are a lot of teachers on here, so hopefully they’ll also chime in with their thoughts!
I taught kinder and first grade before my daughter was born. There IS much more required of children at an earlier age now, but please know that teachers do NOT expect your child to come into kindergarten reading. That is the teacher’s job! It certainly is helpful if you’ve been working on letters and their sounds, numbers and counting, shapes, etc. Also, the best help you can give is to set your child up for school success with working toward being able to sit still while listening to a story, following 1 and 2-step directions, and being kind to others. Those are usually the biggest hurdles with kids who are first starting school. 😊 So please give yourself and your child a little more time to play and relax before starting school!