I would miss the wedding hunny, it’s too soon being away from your little one and I don’t think you’d enjoy it as much. If she/he is a good friend they’ll understand, I would feel exactly like you do x
Hi I completely understand how you feel, I don’t exactly have a similar experience but when my baby was 10 days old I started getting really bad chest pains I could breath the ambulance came, paramedics did some checks & said I needed to go in. They just couldn’t get me to agree to get into the ambulance I just felt like I couldn’t leave my baby with my husband even though he is an amazing dad. I just kept thinking what if she needed me or missed me. I ended up going to the hospital was there for 9 hrs! After I came back she was sound asleep I missed her more than she missed me and I honestly believe she didn’t really notice me not being there. So I’d say go with how you’re feeling if you feel like at the wedding you’ll be worrying about her the whole time and not enjoy yourself maybe don’t go. Maybe you could go for part of the wedding and not the whole thing ?If you feel like after a bit you’ll start enjoying yourself then go for it! I’m hoping your friend will understand either way😌
No I haven’t, and wouldn’t for a whole day. I have an appt to get my nails done on Friday and feel a bit unsure about that! I would talk to my friend and say you just don’t feel emotionally ready and would likely put a dampener on her special day given your emotions. Hopefully she’ll be supportive of you and understand - if she’s a good friend, she will.
My first was born last Jan and I still struggle to leave her. My first night away will be when I go in for my next end of the month 🫣😩
i wouldn’t attend, or i would attend the ceremony only. I have a wedding when my little on is 9 months old, and i’m unsure if i will attend it all as i know i won’t fully enjoy it.
Maybe I’m heartless or maybe it’s because I’ve had 3😂 but I’d go and enjoy yourself🩵 it’s so hard leaving the little ones it always is, but you are your own person away from being a parent, I’m sure he’ll love being with dad/grandparents/carers honestly! If you’re really unsure maybe just go for a few hours until people are mingling 💍🥰
Are you breast feeding??? My cousin had a child free wedding but allowed a newborn to attend due to breast feeding. I personally couldn’t attend leaving my newborn at home. I struggled attending my cousins wedding last year and leaving my 2 yr old at home for the day.
@Izzy Thank you and that is such a good idea about the weekend away x
@Dipti Thank you 🥰 x
@Johura Oh wow - hope you’re doing okay now? That could be an idea too, I just feel bad that my partner would have to drive back and forth because I still can’t drive after the c section x
I would feel absolutely the same way, and I think I’d probably have to tell my friend that I just couldn’t make it. You’re biologically and hormonally wired to want to be close to your baby, and if your friend is supportive and loves you then I’d hope they wouldn’t want you to be distressed on their special day. Could you explain how you feel and maybe schedule a weekend away with your friend when baby is a little older to celebrate when you’re ready?