Had many curries in my first trimester 🙈 get a supermarket heat up if you don’t trust a takeaway :)
@Emily I’ve ordered a takeaway 😂 x
Defo ordered a few but mostly had the sauce rather than meat just in case and didn’t eat any next day
@Jennifer I’ve ordered chicken, hopefully it’s okay!
You’ll be fine! Just don’t re heat x
I had a couple of Indian takeaways in the first trimester and was fine - went easy on the rice so I didn’t have to reheat it, but all was well!
I’ve had an Indian takeaway! Just make sure you are going to a reputable one that you know has good hygiene ratings. I wouldn’t worry if you’ve ordered from their loads before and been fine! Enjoy 😋
I would order, if I could keep it down. 🤣. If you’re super worried maybe don’t get a chicken curry? But I’d order one personally!