Anyone else the same?

I’m 8 weeks today and seen baby for first time and everything looks fine but honestly feel so down and worried. I can’t get out of bed most days I feel so tired and sick, my mind is constantly racing with worry I dread the 12 week scan as I’ve previously had 5 miscarriages before so feel like I can’t attach and get excited. I fear telling family and friends because I don’t want them to get excited incase the worst happens. I’m constantly looking at my scan and comparing it to others at 8 weeks to see if mine looks the same. I really hate this feeling just feel so anxious
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I do feel you love, I had 4 MC previously I never managed to reach the 6 weeks until now I am 7+6 today but I can help myself as I am so worried too I am very anxious about having my scans. I had one at 6+1 and 7 and thank god we saw the heartbeat now I need to have every 2 weeks with EPU but my next one will be 16th if the scan was cheaper.... As I have been checking to do another one this week but I need to try to relax but it is so hard... If you need to chat me in private.

I'm so sorry you are feeling like this, it's really hard and hopefully will pass with time. Your hormones are also reaching their peak which probably isn't helping. I had my worst anxiety at 8 weeks and hope yours starts to ease off too, it is such a horrible feeling. You'll get there ❤️

Completely understandable i miscarried at 16w 6d in June 2024 2 days after our gender reveal party I’m so scared to get to that stage again I’m currently 9w and only telling the people i feel like would be the most support to us everyone else can wait until baby is in our arms safely, regardless of the outcome baby deserves to be celebrated Do you have a medical plan in place for your current pregnancy? Have you spoken with doctors about being prescribed progesterone & aspirin? Do you have a bereavement team your midwife can refer you to so you can discuss your worries?

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