@Rosie yes i think it won’t be so bad since i’ll be around 13 weeks by the 1st! ty!
By 13 weeks you should have 2 u/s and blood work done. You should really see a Dr so you can get those tests booked. The first scan (dating scan) is not too bad to miss as it just tells you how far along you are, but you need to have the second scan between 11 and 13 weeks (which the dating scan helps schedule). That scan includes the blood work and is the one that screens for genetic disorders and high risk pregnancies. Dr. Appointment are once a month and check for blood pressure, weight and baby's heart beat. They'll ask you screening questions to keep track to see how you are feeling (symptom wise) and to keep track of possibility of higher risk of ppd and ppa. They will also [help] schedule your scans and call with results. You won't need to see an ob until third trimester as your gp can take care of you until then. Hope that information helps
I think it should be fine. But you could also call your insurance and see if they can move it to earlier. I did that with covered ca a few years ago for a similar reason
Yeah, I didn't see an ob with my first till 2/3 months and for my second until I was like 4 month
They’re are free clinics that will help see you that don’t require insurance. That’s a long time to go without prenatal care
Yes totally fine. They don't want you come in too early either
A lot of women don’t know they’re pregnant until 16 weeks so I’m sure you’ll be fine! Make sure you’re taking prenatal with folic acid and eating healthy, avoiding all the foods you’re not supposed to have etc (you can find all that info online!). In the UK we don’t have scans until 12/13 weeks and I also didn’t have my genetic screening done until 13 weeks so I think you’ll be ok
I went a whole pregnancy not knowing I was pregnant, no prenatals or doc visits and he is perfectly healthy so a month isn't bad.
That is absolutely fine. Most places aren’t seeing you until around 12 weeks anyway to confirm pregnancy through ultrasound. It used to be 8 weeks but sometimes they aren’t able to visualize the fetal pole at 8 weeks (which happened in my case) which is why they’re moving towards the first ultrasound being done a bit later. I understand it can be nerve wracking but I’m sure you and baby will be absolutely fine, you’ll be more anxious than anything XX
My first appointment was at 13 weeks. Although I did pay for a private scan to ease my mind at 7 weeks.
I didn't see a dr until 11 weeks, don't worry about it
I didn't see a doctor till a month after the new year of last year in February and I found out I was pregnant in October of 2023 so I was way behind seeing a doctor when I was pregnant and they told me that I was extremely late for prenatal care but James turned out good. It was the holidays of that year and it was hard finding care as a first time pregnant mom
in the uk we would have at least 1 appointment and a 12 week scan by then
@Ellie neither of these scans are absolutely necessary, especially if you’re healthy. You can choose to do them and many doctors push them. I met with my midwife around 12 wks and did some bloodwork. I’ve only done the 20 wk scan. May not do any more. Ana should be fine 😊
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@Kelsea this is terrible advise
@Laney it’s not advice. I’m replying to someone saying you have to have 2 scans and bloodwork before 12 wks. Ultrasounds only became routine in the 70s. I don’t want her to worry that she can’t get in yet, especially if she’s healthy.
@Kelsea you said the scans are unnecessary and they are the scans to determine viability and gestational age that’s pretty important. Early intervention and prenatal care, including bloodwork to test for STD’s is important.
@Laney aren’t absolutely necessary if she’s healthy, yea. Do them if you want and are advised, but she’s already 9 wks and can’t do them.
@Kelsea can’t really trust anything you say when you’re openly admitting to neglecting prenatal care after 20 weeks which is really concerning by the way!
@Laney thank you. @Kelsea If I didn't have the blood work nor u/s done at 13 weeks with my first I wouldn't have know that I was no longer immune to MMR and if I continued to work in health care and was exposed to one of those (measles or rubella), I risked having a miscarriage, stillbirth or other birth defects. So yes, it is important to have the u/s and blood work at 11-13 weeks. AND if you read actually read my reply (which obviously you didnt) I said that the dating u/s is possible to miss, it just makes scheduling the other scans easier.
@Ellie I was perfectly healthy prior to pregnancy and didn’t develop complications until my third trimester which would have been fatal for baby and me if not monitored and caught in time to place me on bed rest. This advice is dangerous for the mom asking the question and any other mother who may read the response and think it’s OK.
@Laney I see a midwife regularly don’t be an asshole and say I’m neglecting care. I’m well advised in my care. I’m not telling others not to do u/s if they wish and are advised. Im telling this girl not to worry and just get in when she can. I’m just sick of pregnancy being treated as a medical disability.
@Ellie I think you missed the part I said I had bloodwork at 12 wks and this girl can get in around then too…
@Kelsea well In a way it is a medical disability it’s dangerous for the mother and child hence why prenatal care is important and they offer resources for those who cannot afford it because without it, they’re putting their health and their child at risk
@Laney my dating scan they found ovarian cysts, that could be common in pregnancy, but needed to be monitored incase they weren't pregnancy related. Luckily they disappeared at 37 weeks and I didn't have surgery.
@Kelsea good for you for seeing a midwife. No one is treating pregnancy as a disability. Ana asked a question. I gave advice. As some mentioned there are free clinics that she could go to in the meantime to make sure everything is ok. As someone who has had things come up for both scans that needed to be known/monitored, yes the 11-13 week scan is important
@Ellie it may seem redundant and unnecessary but in pregnancy things change so frequently overtime that the only way to monitor and be safe is to attend all appointments.
@Laney my friend in uni at 19 already had 2 surgeries for ovarian cysts. I was so freaked out when they said I had multiple. They literally disappeared overnight (between the ob appts) at 37 weeks
I’m in the UK so not sure if it’s different but I didn’t see anyone until after 12 weeks so you should be fine x