Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your losses and it's totally understandable to be feeling how you do. I would definitely recommend speaking to others about how you feel, be it your partner, close friend, midwife, consultant etc. That way you can ensure any support you may need will be on hand. Don't be afraid to reach out. I haven't even thought about how I'll feel after birth yet as I'm so anxious to even get that far. I'm currently 33 weeks and been on this journey for 2 years 4 months, in that time we've have had 3 losses and I so desperately want to meet our healthy baby girl 🩷 Feel free to message me if you ever want to chat x
I’m so sorry to hear this. Are you in the uk? The Health Visitors have dedicated mental health workers who you can arrange to talk to. The HV usually starts visiting after your initial recovery but you could potentially arrange for this to be earlier? It’s worth an ask. It’ll be a lot easier to arrange something now rather than in the craziness of the first few weeks postpartum. There are also a lot of therapists who specialise in motherhood and the feelings you mention. Most work online now. It might be worth finding someone now and having a chat, then you could have an extra support relationship in place by the time baby arrives. I can’t imagine how stressful pregnancy must be, constantly, if you’ve experienced loss. You’re nearly there! Your feelings sound logical and natural to me ❤️
I'm so sorry you are feeling like this. I'd 100% recommend speaking to your midwife or doctor about how you are feeling. There may be extra provisions they can put in place to support you with your mental health both pre and post birth. I had really bad post natal depression with my first and it was such an awful experience. Don't be afraid to reach out for help and talk to those closest to you. You are stronger than you think Mama, you got this ❤️