I think I’m just being paranoid with it as my partner and parents say they look the same too
They look the same but if helps speak to a doctor I thought my feet were swollen until they was actually swollen then I realised I didn’t even have wrinkles in them and when I pressed them they took ages to return to normal colour and lose the indent
They look the same 😊
I feel you girl, I had postpartum preeclampsia, lasted for about a year after delivery, it was terrible, anxiety was always through the roof, got obsessed with taking my blood pressure numerous times a day , along with having to be on pills for a long time. Thank God I got over it. Baby will be 3 in a couple days. Feet look fine mama ❤️ sending luck to you☺️
Thank you all for the reassurance health anxiety sucks 😫😫😫
Yes they do. But if in doubt go get checked at the hospital to ease your mind!