Diabetes test

How long do you get to drink the orange drink for the diabetes test? Do you have to down it or can you take your time x
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10 minutes

The nurse said to have the drink within 5 min but I asked if I could slow down as it was making me feel sick so took about 10 min the end. I had to drink it in front of her though.

Christ that’s intense ha

I had mine yesterday and she said 5 minutes Infront of her and it wasn't the orange one it was a disgusting lemon one. I failed it because I threw up 10 minutes before my 2nd set of bloods, it made me feel awful I tried so hard not to be sick and after 1h and 50 minutes of waiting I couldn't keep it in 🤣🤦😮‍💨 they said the test would be invalid and I will have to repeat another day 😶 so annoyed at myself x

My test is an at home test....

Had mine today, I'm such a woss when it comes to drinks but honestly didn't find it too bad. Slightly thicker than water and tasted like a weak lucozade sport x

Mine tasted like mild squash it was fine, wasn’t bad at all. She said I had to drink it as quick as I could though, I took a breather if I needed to but I had no problem drinking it all fairly quickly

At what week is the test taken?

@Amy that is annoying, 10 mins short 🤦🏼‍♀️

@Brontie how big is the drink

I downed mine as I was so hungry lol and it actually tasted pretty nice!

@Incognito they had poured it into little paper cups, so it was about 1 and a half cups

I was super thirsty so I drank mine quite quickly. She didn’t say if I had to do it quickly or not. I quite liked the drink 😂. I didn’t know until recently not everyone has a diabetes test

Mine was in a large plastic cup, nurse said it had to be drank quite quickly I did it in about 2 mins. It was clear and thick, not the best not the worst

I had my second one with my midwife the other day and she made me down it. The drink is disgusting, but went down better than first before she put it in an empty build up drink bottle so I couldn’t see what was inside!

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Has anyone had any results yet? I'm aware it's the weekend and I'm also sure I 'won't hear unless they need to' but I'm so anxious of the results!

Mine came back on patients knows best saying will be available 6th February. Don’t understand why it takes so long!

@Aimee Feb! Wow! I've got midwife Wednesday so I'll ask her

I got my results added to badger notes the same day but they said it could take a few days. They will call you if it’s not ok. I was worried as my family are either diabetic or pre diabetic but my results were on the lower side luckily

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