Toilet training

My son is soon to be turning 2 years old and I’m wanting to start to slowly introduce toilet training. We have tried to sit him on the toilet a few times, however he screams and cries so I haven’t pushed it. He does do a wee in the shower and will indicate that he’s done one in there but not when he’s wearing a nappy. When he’s done a poo I’ll ask if he’s done one and usually he runs away/gets annoyed as he doesn’t like having his nappy changed. I’ve recently introduced a potty toilet and put it in front of the toilet door/outside of his room. He’s quite interested, will put the toilet up and down sit on it and go sssss likes he’s weeing and says all done. I’ve tried to take his nappy off a few times but he cries and won’t do it, I’ve had to bribe him with chocolate and lots of encouragement and reassurance. Am I doing this the wrong way? I’m a first time Mum. He also attends day care 3 days per week and is due to move up into the toddler room at the end of the month so I wasn’t going to push making him toilet trained right away as there toilet situation is limited in the nursery. Should I be asking childcare to maybe show him the toilet and ask the question or is this too much confusing? Thank you!
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He's clearly not ready. Don't force it. Learn the readiness signs and wait. :)

@Georgia Thanks, I’m just getting pushed by everyone that he needs to be toilet trained by 2.5 years old and it’s starting to stress me out. I’m not sure how to encourage him to be ready

Maybe get the Oh Crap potty training book to give you some ideas but it sounds like he's not ready. Boys usually take longer to toilet train too! Don't push it if he's not ready, just wait a month and try again.

Ignore everyone else! Listen to only your kiddos needs. You don't need to encourage him to be ready, follow his lead

Definitely not ready wait until he’s showing multiple signs otherwise it’ll just push him further the other way no rush

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