My son is 4 months and been drooling a lot and teething for a while now, it’s so bad now that he’s gotten a drool rash which is starting to clear up i been using A&D rash cream but seeing the rash at first definitely scared me! So be very on the lookout under the chin for one. Regardless if he has a rash or not I would make sure you’re washing face and under chin twice a day and putting a rash cream under to prevent it because I heard it’s very common to get. I use a bib also so it catches the drool.
Also pat the area dry after you wash it then use the rash cream do NOT rub the area it makes it worse
@Christine I’ll be getting him some cream today!
Use a damp cloth to wipe it clean regularly! Then put some breastmilk on if you can 💕 (and yes, be sure to check under the little chin folds)
@Sophie I stopped breastfeeding when he was a month old. I do still have some in the freezer. Can I use that for his face?
I’ve been putting tallow balm on my girls skin since she’s been drooling so much lately and it’s getting chapped (and we live in a very dry climate). It seems to be helping!
@Vivian yes!! The tallow recommendation is also good
@Savanna @Sophie which tallow should I be purchasing? I see alot of different ones on Amazon
Not sure about Amazon but I use this one because it’s locally made (I’m in Colorado) and has lavender so it’s extra soothing.
Similarly, idk about Amazon. I get mine from a friend who makes it, but wherever you get it, you want the fewest ingredients possible. Ideally just tallow (maybe a plant/essential oil like lavender). I’ll link my friends biz
Same boat! We've been extra careful to keep it dry whenever he drools so basically constantly wiping and then we use aquaphor too. It helps a little but it's still rashy so following!