Toddler bed

When are people thinking of moving little one to a toddler or floor bed? My little boy absolutely hates his cot at the minute, will only sleep outside of it, whether it’s the sofa, car, on us or our bed. If he does manage to go to sleep he wakes every hour in the night screaming. I have a feeling he’d be better in a toddler bed but with only being 16 months I’m reluctant to move him out of his cot as he seems so young?
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We moved ours to a floor bed when he had just turned one as he was absolutely hating his cot by then.

@Rebecca did this make a difference once moved?

Im thinking the same but as she has her toy kitchen and toys in the room im worried she would play all night rather then sleep so wasn’t sure when to trial it either as feel like shes too young to try explain no play sleep time to her still just yet

@Samantha yeah he just refused to go in his cot so removed that battle completely. I would spend hours getting him to sleep on me, only for him to wake as soon as I leant over the cot to put him in there, rinse and repeat for hours. It was hell. Switched to the floor bed, fed him to sleep on there, he fell asleep in place, I rolled away. Huge difference for us!

My toddler is 2.3 years and only just gone into a.toddler bed, but we co slept before that

We’ve just bought our floor bed and our mattress has came today! Just waiting on picking up bedding

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