Thoughts on sleepovers

What are your thoughts on letting your June 2021 toddler have a sleep over at one of their friends houses? My daughter’s best friend has a brother four years older than them and he seems so sweet but I’ve only known the family since September. I don’t know if I’m just being cynical or what but I’ve heard horror stories in the last about these things. I also want my daughter to have fun at the same time though…
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Nope, not at this age. My son doesn’t even know that’s a thing that can happen, so he won’t know he’s missing out on anything fun yet anyway. We’ll reassess when he’s a bit older.

Nah. No chance

Nope 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️

An absolute definite no far too young in my opinion

Nope!! Definitely no!!! 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️

Nope. Not until they are way older. Like have a phone. That way they can discreetly let me know if they are uncomfortable and I can come get them. I've seen so many horror stories.

Definitely not no sleep overs my daughter is 4 and hasn’t even slept out at any of our families houses

I’m the same not at this age either xx

A definite nope

Definitely not at this age! Not until they are old to enough to fully understand boundaries, consent etc and be able to contact you independently if they weren’t happy/wanted to come home.

Agree, way too young. Just no.

No way. I don't know if I'd ever let my kids go on them. I only have 1 family I'd trust looking after my son and he's never slept outside our family home (aside from hospital stays). I really disliked them as a child too 😆

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