
Made the “smart” decision to get Invisalign while pregnant lol and now I’m in a lot of discomfort. I didn’t think it’d be this bad. Any tips?
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How long can I have it out for? I feel like I’m looking at the clock for breakfast just to take it out for a couple hours 😭 then I have it off for a good minute

Your teeth are highly sensitive while pregnant. I would have waited personally.

@Bones yeah I should’ve, but it’s on there now. I did it because I’m in Colombia and come back to California in a couple weeks. I wouldn’t know when I’d be back. Now I know it’ll be September because of the Invisalign lol.😅 I don’t think the pregnancy has affected my teeth sensitivity very much, but the pressure from my teeth moving is super annoying and I can barely stand it. All that and my baby is kicking me at night. I have little to no sleep 🫠

Hi, as a dental nurse, you should never have been given these while pregnant. Your gums and teeth can shift a lot due to hormonal changes. I strongly recommend you remove them and wait until you’ve had baby.

I don’t like my teeth being messed with even not pregnant. And they were hella sensitive in my 3rd trimester

@Claire I already have them on. My ortho said it would be fine since I’m already in my second trimester

@Bones Aw yeah I don’t like it either. My teeth tend to be pretty unaffected during my pregnancies, but I’m not sure if I can take like baby aspirin or something for the pressure.

@Kianna Tylenol is fine. Aspirin and Advil aren’t safe.

@Bones I’m not sure if it’ll help though lol that’s kinda the advice I’m looking for because I’ve never had or felt this

@Bones although baby aspirin is technically safe during pregnancy

@Kianna if you don’t have preeclampsia, then no, it isn’t safe.

@Bones well 😅 it can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia one of the only reason it’s not recommended is because it can cause bleeding during birth and high levels of it can cause kidney issues which is why the low dose is the one that’s recommended, but that’s just what I heard from my doctor.

@Kianna my Dr just said no. With all pregnancies

They have alcohol free analgesic rinses for the mouth last time I was pregnant my doc said they were safe to use since I'm not like drinking it just swishing and spitting

I had it but before pregnancy and always change to next retainer as you're going to bed in the hope you might sleep through worst bit. Clock watching is hard, I think doing as much as you can, I. E. Take them out to eat and just get them back in as soon as possible. I stopped timing it. I imagine it's hard with needing more / little and often meals during pregnancy. However, if you don't have them in enough then the pain lasts for longer as they're moving back into their old position and it's taking them longer to settle into new - at least that's what I found!

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Numbing gel is your friend

I’ve had them during my pregnancy, once you get through the initial pain/discomfort it gets a lot easier. The less you wear them, the more painful it will be when you put them back in. It’s difficult cos I eat non stop when I’m pregnant so they’re in and out like a yoyo 😩

@Caitlin 😭😭 okay this was a lot of help. How did you get through the initial discomfort? Lmfao most importantly how did you get through this 🤣

@Kianna Tylenol and numbing gel on my gums

@Alexa thank you!

Well when I got braces a couple years ago, I was in so much pain, I could barely eat for like a month or longer. So I think you would be in pain regardless. I had braces my whole last pregnancy and it wasn’t an issue since I had already gone through that initial phase. But right now, I am pregnant again and my gums just hurt even without the braces. I don’t have any good answer for you.

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