
Sorry but all I keep seeing is people giving their baby meals and snacks. Anyone of the younger babies still only on first tastes? We waited until after the Christmas madness and she still isn't really eating anything, just playing with it in her mouth. I thought weaning was supposed to be quite a slow process 🤔
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My little girl is 7 months and is on first tastes. I also waited until after Christmas madness to start properly. Just go at your own pace 😊

My girl is the same and I think its slow and just to get them introduced to tastes and textures and I stick with it. Although my babys dietitian said I have to get her on 2 to 3 meals quickly bla bla bla, I don't get it why as milk is still their main source for food at least until they are one 🤷‍♀️

I thought it was too but my little boy has other ideas. Currently demolishing a whole bowl of porridge at the moment 😅Doesn’t like waiting either. I’m going to start him on two meals from tomorrow but every baby is different , mine is just a gannet like his daddy!

@Santa yeah that's what I thought, I'm not rushing into making her wat stuff. My in laws are here at the mo and all they keep asking is oh when can she have this that or the other, it's so draining

My mum was like this. Said he’d been fine eating a rusk , no way he’d chew it with no teeth…. He did in fact chew a chunk off with no teeth. 🤦‍♀️ Loved using her line of “mummy knows best” back to her finally! 🤣

I feel you, my older kids are like that, can she have this, can I give her that 🤦‍♀️🤣

@Shannon oh wow I can't imagine mine not having milk all the time lol

It is strange at first. He’s 7 months next week, it goes by too fast!

My little boy was 7 months last Sunday and he's just taken to it really quickly, i remember the health visitor with my first son saying if he wants it just give him it, so that's what I've done x

My LO hates food! 😂 i’m giving him a break from it all. Take the pressure off yourself it’ll happen when it happens x

@Dollie I just can't seem to see how she'll be on meals lol I give her tastes, she just had banana today which she wasn't sure off but she tends to love yoghurt

I wouldn’t say I’m giving her meals yet, but I’m giving tastes of our meals. She barely swallows anything! We are doing BLW rather than purees so I don’t think as much tends to go in at first. I thought she’d really take to it quickly but she still has a strong gag reflex!

My baby boy eats only fruit. Will only eat fruit for the first 18 months of his life and then some veggies after 2 . Babies don’t need food before teeth. Once they get a tooth or two it’s all about experience of taste … not actual food. Pure and sloop is close to the worst thing you could do for them along with porridge/ rice / grain / glucose

I took my son a good 10 days to understand opening his mouth and then probably a full month to understand swallowing, just persevere at your own pace x

@Santa yeh I was told this too, so feeling pressured to get my baby on 3 meals a day by 8 months, which I think is quite quick tbh. As long as my baby is happy I'm sticking to 2 for now, she doesn't need more than that

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About to turn 7 months and I don't think he swallows anything yet. All ends up on the floor 👍

Mines on first tastes too! Will be 7 months on 24th . Still just mushes things around and looks disgusted 🤣 xx

@Destiny but fruits have loads of sugar 🙈 veggies are better, after 2 is pasta, bread and things like that 🙂

@Destiny what a weird mentality 😂

Fruit is loaded with sugar?! Plus, why would u want to encourage a babys naturally sweet tooth so early on? Bizarre.

@Destiny you’re also not from the UK.. you’re commenting on a UK group..

Babies can absolutely eat with no teeth. They need to start weaning around 6 months because their iron stores from birth are almost depleted. Vegetables should definitely be introduced at this age!! 🤔

@Destiny vegetables are actually what’s recommended for first tastes, then fruit. Food before 1 is just for fun but as mentioned above, their iron starts depleting after 6 months. Also, food needs to be their main source of nutrition after 1 and it’s advised to move them away from formula and onto cow’s milk. They aren’t going to get adequate nutrition from just fruit.

@Levi it does not matter about tastes. Raw vegtables are fine, but babies cannot get through them. And cooked vegtables are too difficult on the gestation. We are a raw fruit and some vegetables species along with some nuts and seeds. That is our species specific diet. Anything other than that is mucus forming in the GI. Their main source of nutrition is their mother’s milk for the first 12 months until 3 years. They should never have diary ; as it is extremely mucus forming. I can ready from your comments that you have never seen or cleansed your gi tract. Mucus plaqoid is a thick black rubbery tah like substance that forms in the body from ingesting food away from our specific diet. Anything containing animals also will bring parasites into the body , when you see a cleanse take place lots of this substance and worms are expelled through the colon. It is quite overwhelming and disgusting to witness for the first time and not enough information is out in the mainstream.

@Levi you can eat like this but the glycation process will begin very early. Bringing illness and disease in the body.

@Destiny thank you for your input. However, this is a UK group that you are commenting on, and the NHS provides different advice to which you are offering. Can we please all stop shaming other mothers for feeding their children. That was not the intention of this post. I have disabled the comments as I feel this is getting out of hand.

The government should be trusted, fyi. Your best interest should be your priority, the government doesn’t have that in mind, they are a business money making machine. As for the shame comment, no one shammed anyone. Information was put forward, you attached your own assumptions onto that knowledge. Which that is what it is , knowledge , I have great reading material I can recommend to back that knowledge, as well as doctors you can follow who are what they preach. Making steps to bring forth health in small ways is the best any mother can do, I understand not everyone can make over night changes, that is the human nature.

@Destiny the shame comment wasn't aimed at you. It was other people who i felt were trying to shame you. I previously i have tried to disable comments on this feed but obviously that has not worked.

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