My family would be chaos without routine. I have an 11yo too and realise how important and crucial a routine is especially from a young age! Kids need routine and thrive off of having one.
@Sera Kay ✨ routine is fine but down to the minute??
@Ella I wouldn’t say there’s such a thing as “down to the minute” and I don’t force my children to do xyz at the exact times per the second (lol) but my eldest does everything she needs to do by/on that time in order to be prepared for bed, ready to go out or go to school etc. based off of how long she takes to do other things. If my daughter wasn’t on a strict routine she would be a mess and not get the things she needs to done. My son goes to bed at 8:30 but sometimes that’s 8:25 & sometimes it’s 8:32 🤷🏻♀️ my family just falls into routine and it kinda just happens. To me there’s no such thing as “to the minute” so I kinda took this post as: is your routine good or is it shit lol
I'm trying to get my son in a routine with a schedule because he was diagnosed with ADHD and he needs to have A routine because if he doesn't then he is all over the place
To me packed down to the minute is a schedule. A schedule is based on the time. A routine is doing things in the same order regardless if you wake up at 7am or 10 am. We're definitely a routine family.
Agree routine is so important but a rigid down to the minute schedule is not helpful and nearly impossible with kids !
Yes it's been a thing since we left hospital with him as he is on medication 4 times a day that he has to have otherwise he gets to low so meds the breakfast then play/school meds at 11am then whathave you then more meds at 2pm then it's next meds is at bedtime. So my partner and I have this schedule in our head. This has to be done at this time, and we are pretty spot. Sometimes, we have some wiggle room of half an hour or so but prefer to be on time. With how much time he has been in hospital it's just a thing we go with.
We have a routine but im not overly strict on timing
@Meg what does he have if you dont mind me asking.. when it comes to medication timing can be very critical
@Violeta💘 he has a condition where he has panhypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiently and growth hormone deficiency (panhypopituitarism is what the medical name is or multiple pituitary hormone deficiency as he was born without his pituitary gland) if he doesn't get his adrenal insufficiently meds on time he can go low like have low blood sugars and go into like shock like state then needs (sort of like a diabetic having a low blood sugar emergency) emergency meds and straight to the hospital. And of course, he needs his meds for his hypothyroidism to maintain him he is also on injections for growth hormone deficiency which help stabilise his blood sugars as well and helps his heart and lung/liver/kidneys and be able to grow like his peers.
I don't think that's possible. Kids aren't robots. My 3yo might do something when she's asked or I might have to jump through a variety of connection based hoops to gain cooperation.