Your blood sugars can get higher from not eating as well
@Aoife I did, I took a reading as soon as I woke up.
@Hannah oh, that may be why then
So I think 5.8 when you woke is the fasting result you record. The higher reading when you got to work is because the fast was too long so your liver releases glucose to compensate and give you energy and so blood glucose was higher because of the insulin resistance in GD. It’s kinda difficult to get your head around but I hope that makes sense.
@Aoife ah that makes sense! my readings have all been good though and i normally go longer without eating than I did today, and it was high today and not on any of the other days
Fasting is the hardest to control imo. Did you have a very bad sleep? Or handle food in between maybe some was on your hands? Readings also increase for lots of people between 32-36 weeks
Your body uses stored glucose to burn if you’re not eating because it need sustenance it would normally get from food. If you’re not eating it’ll use the glucose thus making your readings higher
@Aoife girl, what is sleep? 😂 i literally get a few hours sleep a night so that’s definitely a big part of it
@Kathryn yeah, I don’t think I’ll be eating during the night so must be that as my morning readings are high sometimes
Definitely!! I had a bowl of Greek yogurt just before heading to bed. Then I get myself ready, take insulin and lay in bed then have a cheese string and I set my alarm to make sure I get up 8 hours after sleeping to take my bloods and get up. If I don’t I know my readings will get higher
@Kathryn oh that sounds like hard work. I’m glad I’m not on insulin, hope I don’t have to go on it either. I’ve literally just done a reading after breakfast and it was up to 12 which is extremely high but then I done 2 more after that and it was down to the 6’s so I must have touched something sweet or the soap didn’t help.
It’s annoying when that happens and you have to redo!
Yeah it is, my fingers are so sore!
I think the recommendation is to take fasting reading after 8-10hours of fasting. When you fast for too long your liver releases glucose.