
My baby is 8 months old , started weaning her at beginning of November when she was 6 months she loves the fruit pouches , loves porridge for breakfast, comes to dinner time she doesn’t like the (7months+) jars or pouches I give her nor the stuff I make her and chunky blend either. What do I do ? I didn’t have this with my others they ate it, she isn’t … any advice? Also has milk allergy
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Have you tried finger foods? My little girl hated the jars and pouches as she didn’t like the sloppy texture of them she would only eat the sweet ones and gipped everytime I tried the savoury so I started giving her age appropriate finger foods she could feed herself and she loved it x

This mirrors my LGs issues so I’m interested in what people offer. Personally I’m finding baby led weening also helps. My LG has the 6 month smooth pouches, then eats toast, yogurts, fruit and pasta and soft foods which she loves so for now I’m avoiding the lumpy 7 month pouches for now x

Same as @Molly above, my LO only likes finger foods… he’s 7.5 months and loves banana, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, broccoli etc all cut into finger length strips!

My son wasn't interested in the pouches so I did baby led weening. Have u tried the solid starts app, it tells u how to serve the food age appropriately, helped massively when I did it

@Molly yeah tried finger foods but 9 times out of 10 she chokes and I have to hook it out or she spits it out x

@Zoey thankyou I will give this ago x

Choking and gagging is a normal reflex although scary you just have to monitor and let them do it as their gag reflex isn’t fully developed. There’s a little poem that I live by when feeding Loud and red go ahead Quiet and blue they need you My girl was so bad for it at first and she would spit it out but would always pick it back up in the end. Also they advise to feed savoury’s over sweet as baby will prefer sweet and sometimes refuse savoury. So if you stop feeding the fruit pouches and sweet porridge if they are hungry they will eat the savoury. It’s all trial and error though no right or wrong xx

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