First time yes. Second time no.
First said a girl and it was. Second time said it was a girl. Then we had our scan and the tech was like “do you know what you’re having” “yeah we think it’s a girl” “well… there is his penis” 😭😂😂 I was SHOOK.
@Willow oh no 🤣. How far along were you when you did it?
@jasmine how far along were you when you did it?
@Cat i definitely think it was probably user error. I found out at 4 weeks. The test says wait at least 6 weeks. I think I did it around 8 weeks. I think I just didn’t give my body enough time to pick up the boy dna. I definitely suggest waiting a little longer for a more accurate answer. Maybe 10 weeks? Idk.
yes! both times for me! boy and girl🥰