i’ve been using the island cloud sippy cups but i found these normal looking plastic cups that have a no. leak insert just to get baby used to drinking out of normal cups,, some friend of mine use these little silicone open cups too and give them at every meal,, as far as switching to milk it’s recommended to use whole milk as it’s whole nutrients but there’s many brands like fair life,i’ve been using simply nature from aldi,, if your child has a lactose problem get a whole milk lactose free milk,, my son get his teeth pretty late but he has 4 two on bottom and two on top, my couches daughter has no teeth and she’s 14 months
Thank yall so much for yall responses. I've tried the supply cups, he does well with them. I guess my biggest thing would be at night weaning him off. He still wakes up like every 2 or 3 hours for a bottle. Some say let him cry for a couple nights. They say he's used to having that as a comfort. Others say keep giving it to him as long as it helps. I'm not sure
@Nichole my daughter was the same her pediatrician told me to stop night feeding so we sleep trained and she no longer takes bottles at night a bit of crying but now we’re not up every 2/3 hours! She sleeps through so it’s been great for us
Thank you so much. I will definitely be trying soo. Did you start night training prior to 1 years old?
@Nichole yes she was about 10 months
We started transitioning our daughter to whole milk 2 weeks before she turned 1 because we transitioned slowly to not shock her system. We cut the bottles pretty quickly and she didn’t care at all. Just go slow!
If you are concerned you should ask your doctor but why don’t you want to give whole milk if I may ask?
Dr browns milestone straw cups!!!!! Weaning I would just start doing half formula and half whatever milk you are going to give baby so they get used to the taste. then just get less and less with the formula until it’s all milk.
I spoke too soon. My son finally got his 2nd tooth come in over night. 🙌
For bottles start introducing cups instead of the bottle and then offer the bottle after. We have gone through so many cups to find one my lo likes she does better with straw cups so I give her milk in her cup and then she eats her solids and whatever she didn’t finish in the cup I’ll give her in the bottle after. You can do it for just one meal at a time or all or get rid of the bottles all together it’s really your preference. As far as milk I would ask your pediatrician to see what would be best for your lo Mine only has her bottom teeth I know some moms have posted their babies have a lot more teeth but all babies are different. I scheduled an appointment with the dentist for her to check on her teeth tho for my piece of mind ☺️