@Charley I’m pregnant
Depending where you're from the nhs website says all this. There's different advice in different countries though if you're not UK.
I like to eat 3 different veggies with each meal. Breakfast will be a shakshuka or egg mushroom and tomatoes on toast, or egg muffins/omelette with onions, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and cheese. And then just 3 different veggies with whatever I eat for lunch and dinner! Fruits as snacks too 🥰
You guys be making me feel bad 😭 for 14 weeks I did nothing but throw up so I’ve just been enjoying my cravings recently 😭😭😭😭😭 almost 25 weeks pregnant and I can’t stop eating chicken sandwiches and korma 😭😭😭
I’m in broward county too 😊 try to eat tons of veggies and meat ! Specially stuff that has iron, because pregnancy depletes your iron ( lentils, broccoli, egg, tofu, beets). Try to eat fruits but not too much because of their sugar content. Also, eat fish like trout or salmon but don’t eat fish high in mercury and take your prenatal meds.
Eggs, meat (if you eat it in general), yoghurt, fruits and veggies every day - mix it up so it's not the same all the time. I also got some coconut water to drink throughout the week if I don't want plain water. Also, edamame beans and nuts are very good as snacks. And try to avoid processed sugar as much as possible like chocolate, cakes, etc. I made the switch to 100% dark chocolate and put it in my smoothie/ yogurt bowl when I want something sweet.
Are you pregnant? Are you asking for you? Or is your baby already here and weaning? Need more information 😆