We offer 2 meals atm and I try and give versions of what we are eating for dinner to make my life easier - bolognaise, cottage pie, chicken casserole etc but just cook with no salt stock cubes or take his out before I add salt. If we have something that can't be adapted, I just wing it and pull together something random for him with what I have in the fridge using foods he has already tried 😅. Breakfast we do things like porridge, toast, avocado and egg, yoghurt, fruits etc. I do a mix of finger foods and mashed food for every meal so he has lots of different textures. He mostly likes squishing things in his hand and throwing it on the floor but he does eat some too 🤪
I started last week. Food prep on a sunday. Made her lots of purees and froze them. At 6amish normal feed of 150-200ml milk. 10amish, I give her 2 heinz biscotti biscuits in 20ml of her milk and then 150ml milk. 2pm just her milk 150-200. 6pm a puree I made with her 20ml milk & 150 milk. 10pm 200ml milk.
@Chloe what type of yogurt do you give? Xx
Just plain full fat greek style yoghurt. I just buy the shop own brand one. As long as it's not a reduced fat or flavoured then it's fine to use 😊 xx
Yeah full fat always. I use Lidl’s greek yoghurt as its my fav so I can have it with honey and fruit and put some in her purees too x
Dietitian said to not give puree for long, but to quickly give with more lumps and textures. I give baby finger foods like stemed brocoli floret or carrot sticks, salmon etc, she mostly plays with it but chews something too 🙂