So hard! But its not so much the guilt for me its the practical things that need done. Trying to make sure there are healthy dinners for the little one when they come in starving from nursery, and switching straight from work mode into mummy mode when you really need 20 mins yourself to decompress is hard! And packing the bag for daycare and choosing outfits for myself and even having to do my hair everyday lol its so much extra ‘admin’
Basically house work has gone to crap! Want the weekends to be quality time
So hard! Especially with all the illnesses they pick up from nursery. There is no compassion at my workplace, it’s just a case of get on with it! 😵💫 Hopefully that lottery win will come in 🤞🏻
It's so tough!!! Work requires one version of us and our babies another!! It's so tough! Just surviving due to work from home really. And nursery