I use Kendamil also.. I exclusively pumped for 3 months and then combi fed. I started pumping on day 2 and I had a big supply x
Whichever formula you can easily access in shops near you.
I use aptimil and haven’t had any issues with it x
If you want to breastfeed you stand the best chance by being prepared - read up as much as you can about breastfeeding and what to expect. Find out if there’s a support group near you so you know where to get help if needed. When your baby is born you will already have colostrum - this is all baby needs for the first few days until it turns into more mature milk. This usually happens around day 2-5 and is triggered by the removal of your placenta. Pumping isn’t recommended before 6 weeks as it can lead to engorgement, and it isn’t an indicator of supply as babies are more efficient at removing milk than a pump. The more you put baby to breast the quicker your milk will start to mature and your supply can start to become established. It is normal for baby to be attached to you most of the day and night for the first few weeks (cluster feeding) so they can regulate your supply. It doesn’t mean they are still hungry or not getting enough
I use kendamil. If baby has any constipation then also stock up on the ready made bottles of it as it has a natural laxative in it and after 1-2 feeds baby goes with no issues x
We used Kendamil Organic! Highly recommend as it’s not made in the US
Thank you everyone! Xx
Kendamil can be quite rich and can cause constipation. I'd suggest trying aptimil or sma pro xx