Oh I didn't no they wernt supposed to be dropping bottles that's reassuring to know. That's what I use pouches or jars but she has 2 a day with her milk feeds. Xx
@BellasMumma💖 don’t take me for 100% about that but I’m 99% sure that’s true, milk comes first, I am 99% sure it’s there main way of getting nutrition till 1, Yeah we just do maybe a little bit of yoghurt or something at lunch I tried toast other day; but we always try give something in evenings like the hip organic jars or something x
My LG doesn’t really eat much food still. She has coconut yogurt and she loves berries so she’ll always eat homemade jam or mashed berries, she sometimes takes about 5-10% of the food given for dinner lmao she mostly likes exploring textures and tastes still. She does eat rice cake or rice puff snacks during the day too for lunch etc and I exclusively pump but she’ll easily eat 4 7oz bottles a day sometimes more 😭 even if she does eat the food she’ll still have between 28-34oz a day 😂
Just like Lu said though food is just for trying until 1! It’s to get them used to the tastes textures and swelling food :) some babies pick it up really quickly and others need more time. Milk is most of their diet until then x
I give my LB breakfast and dinner and he has 5 bottles a day. I am doing BLW so he mostly has what we are having. We will probably start including lunch in the next two weeks, just because he’s really enjoying weaning and he gets upset when we are eating and he isn’t. My first born was really slow to wean and didn’t seem to consume very much until he was almost 9 months old. My June 24 baby literally hoovers everything put in front of him.
Mines only has a pouch from Aldi and a packet of veggie puffs at lunch alongside her bottle but she really mostly just plays with it. Four bottles a day, breakfast, lunch, mid-afternoon and dinner. No idea if this is how it should be but it’s what’s working for her xx
They don’t need teeth to be having lumpier foods or appropriately cooked whole foods. At 7 months my boy was on 3 meals a day and 4 bottles x
Mine is having 6 x 240ml bottles of milk in 24 hours and having tasters of food - the kiddylicious wafers, farleys rusks, yoghurt, mashed root veg mix, purées but literally like a taste of one or two of those a day
My LO dropped a bottle at 7 months, she’s on x3 6oz bottles a day and 3 purée/solid feeds, she’s taken to food pretty well so gave her a 3rd and she seemed quite happy with it x
My 7 month old seems to dislike purées and actually prefers lumpy foods/finger foods to chew I think the smooth ones reminds him of milk and he’s thinking what is this! He doesn’t have any teeth but is teething so loves cold foods like strawberries or cooked carrots left in fridge. He’s breast fed and still fed on demand so I could say how much milk or how many feeds he has
My LO who is 7months has 3 meals porridge for breakfast, a puree or snacks for lunch like crackers &soft cheese, raspberry, jam sandwich etc. then has what we have for dinner. They don’t have to have teeth to have food as long as it easily melts when sucked on or is soft☺️ they definitely should be having more than 2 bottles in 24hrs and shouldn’t be dropping, I think 4 is the recommended while they wean. my LO still has 4/5 xx
My baby still is only like 20 % interested in food, pretty sure ur not meant to be dropping bottles yet? Food before 1 is just for fun as they say! So milk comes first I’m pretty sure My baby just has maybe lunch, and always something for dinner were still trying little things or the Jar meals !