@Annem Thanks for your input! An hour is probably an exaggeration, probably closer to an hour and a half. They aren’t full meals, More like two fingers of watermelon for example. if I’m eating a snack, he’ll crawl over and have some too. But I definitely get what you mean by unsustainable!
At first our LO didn’t show much interest. Put a plate of food in front of her and she wouldn’t touch it. What made the difference in the end was putting one item of food on her tray and ignoring her completely. Having a conversation in the room, singing along to the radio or just eating ourselves worked. She would try it eventually then bang on her tray for more. I just think it as too much pressure with lots of food and us sitting in front of her
@Emma ahh that’s great! We’ve tried that, and he’ll go for it but he just won’t swallow any food. Just spits it out. He’s always keen for food, that’s not the issue. Swallowing the food is haha
My first was a bit like this and was offered meals but I feel she took a while to actually look for meals I think it was 13 months where as this time around she doesn’t give you the chance to offer food her mouths open at the thought of food being prepared 🤣
@Abigail can he swallow food? Maybe take him to the GP to rule out any issues there
@Emma thanks for suggesting! I do have a drs appointment tomorrow so I will mention it 🙂
Personally I'd tell the HV to F off. 🤣 They aren't the oracle on babies and often try to lump babies into a one size fits all approach when in reality all babies are different and do things at a pace which is best for them. I would probably offer extra snacks throughout the day but every hour seems overkill and unsustainable. Have you ever heard of an adult who didn't know how to eat food? No. All babies figure it out, some just do it later than others. If you start forcing your baby to have food they will develop a negative association to eating. It needs to be a relaxed, fun, enjoyable and in the next few months I'm sure your baby will increase their intake of solids. Keep eating in front of your child too, they love to copy. Make something for yourself and when they look interested - offer it. That's a good, sneaky way to get them to eat. 😆