I’m almost 26, but I look like 14-18 years old lmfao I have bright green hair, people definitely give me weird looks, I just focus solely on my son & let my ability to parent show. I went through my pregnancy telling only the people who saw me frequently in person, so I set my boundaries with family kinda from the jump, like without having to really specify to them that I’m not seeking advice unless I come looking for it.
I got weird looks my whole pregnancy. My friends shamed me before I got pregnant (planned pregnancy). The Dr's told my husband and I to finish school and not to shake the baby. 🙄 we're both 20, I have a college degree and we live on our own. Your not the only one
I rarely would visit with my parents and now all of a sudden their in our lives again and they want to make snarly comments and try to give unwanted advice, it’s extremely infuriating being that they haven’t been around for almost 2 years and now all of a sudden them being around her for a couple months they think they can say whatever they want to me😭🤔
i had my first at 16/17 and my second at 19/20 i'm almost 22 now and get HELLA looks
I was 21 with my baby at a grocery store when an older couple asked if I was a babysitter because I looked too young to be a mom and my daughter didn’t look enough like me to be biologically mine… like wtf makes strangers think they have a reason to judge. My partner’s mom lives in a different state and sends groceries to our house because, “What if Tay forgot something? Or maybe you guys can’t afford enough food.” I hate that so many people think we’re incapable of taking care of our own family just because we had our baby at 20 yrs old.
I’m 17 with a 1 year old people always stare or make rude comments or ask me how old I am and then just no longer want to talk to me and I always get given advice I definitely don’t need because I’m doing good I’ve learned to ignore people your being th best mum you can and no one else’s opinions matters