I’m in a similar position, I’d love a girl and all I can see us with, is a girl. However, ultimately, all we want is a healthy baby! We’re doing a gender reveal for close family but I want to find out just me and my partner first so I can soak up the news ourself too, and then be able to take in everyone else reactions when they find out x
I actually have been having quite strong gender disappointment feelings and I don’t even know yet but everyone’s predicting boy on my scan. I already have a boy and the thought of never having a girl is so hard for me! I have thought of a lovely boys name that I would be really excited to use but it’s hard when all my friends have girls aswell x
I am a ftm and recently just found out I was having a boy after always saying i’ve only ever wanted a girl. For some reason I just didn’t feel like I was a boy mum. The minute I found out we were having a boy I felt nothing but happiness. I think we tend to get into our own heads about how we think we are going to feel but then you end up feeling completely different and it may not be right away but you will! Some advice I can offer on what I did for myself was search newborn baby boy or baby boy outfits etc on tiktok just to become more familiar with it! Don’t beat yourself up about it, it is a completely normal feeling and will pass ☺️ xx
@Nicole I’m similar to this! I have a son and this is our last baby and the thought of never having a daughter hurts a bit!
@Aimee @Nicole I feel exactly the same everyone keeps saying my scan looks like a boy and I already have a boy. This will be our last baby too I’ve always dreamed of having a little princess x
@Alannah see everyone has said they think I’m having a girl but that almost feels like false hope too 🫠
@Aimee my husbands the same really thinks we’re having a girl but I just havnt got that gut feeling and feel like he’s getting my hopes up the more he says it. Sound awful don’t we but I just think boys do show you all the love in the world so I know we will be happy and over the moon once it’s settled if we are having another boy. Just the thought of not going wedding dress shopping with a daughter 💔 x
@AlannahI posted my scans on 2 different prediction groups and one had all comments saying girl, another group had a mix, but mostly girl, then I tried on Nub queens on fb and the admin comment said the umbilical cord was in the way so maybe girl but unsure… none the wiser really but hasn’t helped with getting hopes up 🤣 @Aimee I can’t complain about boys as my 3yo is gorgeous and loving and cuddly… just would’ve liked to experience both… this week is dragging already!
@Alannah me too no mother of the bride no going out shopping together the thought of not being able to do these things really hurts me :( along with other girly mum things xx
@Danielle I feel like that exactly! My son is amazing and I’d be lucky to get another one of him! Just nice to get to experience both
This is exactly the same as me. Didn’t find out with my first which was a boy. Was SO nervous for my gender scan as was so desperate for a girl this time. It is a boy… I was (disappointed seems the wrong word). I actually got quite upset in the evening and tears were shed but felt absolutely fine the next day and am really happy my little boy has a brother. I always wanted him to have a brother. The girl was more for me!
UPDATE: she’s a girl! Woohoo! 💖
@Danielle I’m so happy for you!!🌸💕
It’s perfectly normal to have gender disappointment❤️, I’m 13 weeks and hoping it’s a boy as I have a little girl, I think accepting that either way it’s out of our control and whatever will be will be and ultimately as long as their healthy then it’s okay, I’m just picturing myself with 2 girls and the thought of all the dress up parties and girly days out makes me even more excited even though I’d still absolutely love a boy❤️