technically theres no limit - they have to house you until you are offered a permit residence. i know some people who have been in temporary accommodation for 5+ years. it depends on your council & the properties available. they may move you between temporary accommodations for your duration of time in temp
As above mentioned can be anything, I was first put into T.A and I was there 12yrs!!!! I made it my home the works, then last year section21 🙄🙄 and we had no choice but hotel for 6months, 1 room with myself, 16yr old 1yr old and inwas pregnant, I was searching daily!!! My council said i couldn't even apply to the housing list.....The also had no homes for me , so they suggested moving out of London, which wasn't a possibility, So thankfully I'm still in London, Just had to leave my area that I was born in etc they did pay the first month's rent etc but I miss my ends 😭 I was just so determined NOT to give birth and bring baby to a hotel ffs! X
@Courtney that’s so completely understandable to be a little picky especially if you have little ones. I hope you get what you want/need soon x
@Kya that’s interesting that they may move people between temporary places. Is that just with anybody or is it when people’s circumstances change? If you have more kids for example? I just feel like now that they’ve moved me they’ll just forget me lol
@Elle (i can't see waves) wow I’m surprised you couldn’t apply to the housing list if you were there for 12 years? Sorry to hear that ☹️
I’ve been in temp accomodation for 4 years. Only ever flats because I was placed during Covid. Technically im not homeless so they’re not in a rush to move me, and my kids have their own rooms (I turned the living room into a bedroom) so they’re defo not in a rush to move me. I bid every week but if I want to move quicker I can’t be so picky where I move, yet I am. I lived in a high rise building my whole life and don’t want to go through that again, plus my child has needs so wouldn’t be safe for us