I don't really understand... if he has the apps on his phone, what is stopping him ordering it? Why would you need to give your phone to your partner if he has a phone he can use to order? Next preferable option is I'd download the app on my phone and order, but if I couldn't, and he was refusing to order / let you use his phone (which seems really odd to me without any additional context), I would have to use the friends phone/get them to order but use my payment details. Which I'd rather not do as they are your guest!
@Rebecca, I couldn't download it as my phone is stupid and requires me to pay for the app "Play Store" where I download other apps. I'm not paying as this is my temporary phone while my other gets repaired.
@Sophie, I don't, either. He just didn't order. He didn't give me his phone either, so my bestie ordered, and I transferred money to her. I couldn't download any food apps myself as my phone is stupid and requires me to pay for the app "Play Store" where I download other apps. I'm not paying as this is my temporary phone while my other gets repaired. I also got rid of the apps because he suggested I do as we were ordering too often and needed to try and save money. He didn't delete them off his, though. The whole thing is weird, hence why I'm asking. I couldn't order on mine, and if he wasn't going to order or couldn't, why wouldn't he lend me his phone?
So are you saying you’re wary cos your partner wouldn’t give you their phone?
@Sarah, yes, but I'm also just confused about why he wouldn't and why he didn't just order dinner
Sounds very odd to me. Do yous share an account or have seperate bank accounts? Maybe money issues. Any issues with trust or cheating in the past? Could be hiding something on his phone. Could be a number of things. Best to sit down and have a conversation about it with your partner
@Amber, no wr don't share finances. I've asked to set up a joint account, but it's never happened. He got out a $17,000 loan without telling me the cost, and I am currently unemployed and have to ask for money. It's a mess. My only issue with trust is his weirdness with his phone, the money stuff, this loan, and the fact he doesn't prioritise his health or our family nost of the time.
Sounds a little alarming to me. That’s just my opinion though. Maybe sit down with him and have a good talk about your worries and concerns and go from there
Sooo is it a situation where you expected him to offer his phone up or did you ask him and he refused...?
@Kaysia, I told he and my bestie that I didn't have the apps. He knows why I don't, and I suggested he order or I order on his phone. He picked up his phone to order but then put it down without saying anything and when back to his gaming. I did mention this in my post. I'm also just curious what others would do. Would you need to be asked? Would you offer your phone? Would you order yourself? Like I would have zero issue offering my phone, and it's wild to me that people would have an issue lending their phone to their partner for something like that. In saying that, I'd order unless I was busy, in which case I'd offer my phone.
Download uber/just eat on my phone and order it?!