Its normal for toddlers to eat less as their growing rate becomes a lot slower. As the other commenter said, maybe your baby/toddler has outgrown their high chair & is ready for a booster seat at the table?🤷🏼♀️
Will he feed himself? My lo does this if I try to feed her breakfast but if I let her have the spoon she will eat. Same with yoghurt 🫣not a lot of that gets to her mouth, but they are trying to be more independent at this age Hope you find some answers, sounds really stressful for you x
Could he be teething? My LO almost completely refused solids for a week, but everything went back to normal once her tooth cut through.
So I'm now trying to feed him out of his chair he will either be playing and will eat or sat on the floor and he has been eating much better today. I am going to order a little table for him to see if he enjoys that, he currently doesn't feed himself, he has a spoon but will mostly just throw it about 😅 I think he may be going through some regression as his sleep has not been the best either
We found not eating in the high chair helped a lotttt!