@Hannah thanks for replying ❤️ phew this is tough right??? What cough meds do you guys use?
@Hannah maybe we will think of cutting dairy but it’s hard now cause her milk is like a main source of nutrition now since she won’t eat much because of her teething
My 18 mo old nose finally stopped dripping a few days ago, I keep snot rags and tissues all over the house. We like Zarbees baby cough and cold, I mainly used the nighttime one, during the day she was pretty good about coming to get her nose cleaned and didn't like the bulb but would stand for it long enough to get a bunch out. I like Zarbees because it's organic and it works. We tried the humidifier, she didn't react much to it however my 5yr old used it the next night and he cleared up almost entirely overnight. He had a cough that led to an ear infection, I asked his doc how a cough was related to his ear and he said the snot is causing both coughing and fluid buildup in his ear. We also used Zarbees for my son, they have a baby and regular I want to say baby Zarbees is for 0-18mo? Then regular is 2yr+ anyway, highly recommend Zarbees, we love them and the kids don't complain about the taste.
@Susy thank you for your reply ❤️ okay good to know! Did you guys end up giving the antibiotics for the ear infection? Or did you just wait it out?
Coughs and colds are so hard with little ones this age!! Their airways are just so little the phlegm can really get stuck. But overall - coughing is a good thing, they are working to get it out!! If you aren’t using already, I would add in a humidifier in her room, and while they can’t do traditional cough meds, you can give him herbal remedies and homeopathic. Like Hylands has a baby line for mucus and cold you can try, and there’s a Mommy’s Bliss line you can find at Target or Walgreens that we’ve used a lot. I think both of them have helped in the past. Otherwise just lots of rest and fluids! Hang in there!
@Stefanie we did get antibiotics for his ear infection, actually had to get 2 different antibiotics the first one wasn't doing anything and he spiked a fever 2 days after starting. Hes also prone to ear infections and seems to get one or 2 a year. I'm hoping he grows out of it.
Get an adult sized humidifier. Put it on a table in her room ( I'm assuming here, but I figured you probably have her in her own room )
Have that in her room the entire rest of winter ( you'll thank me later )
This just happened to my son! Elevate the mattress with a towel underneath it so they cough less at night. Also —- We did frida baby cool mist humidifier, zarbee’s chest rub, boogie’s brand bubble bath vapor, spoonfuls of honey throughout the day and before bed, warm soup, warm water with lemon and honey in it, and of course suctioning as much as possible. It took 10 days to go away with allll the things I did
the vapo steam (i think thats what its called) is a life saver for this!!
Same for my 19 year old right now. Coughing has been the worst but he did have a fever. Humidifier in his room at night and for naps have helped and cough meds help some. A lot better than without it. Been not having any dairy (yogurt, milk, cheese) which can cause thicker mucus and harder coughing. If your toddler insists on needing milk get those pediasure drinks which help sick kids and doesn’t hurt mucus getting thicker.