Is everyone happy in their relationships?
I’ve been with my partner for 3 years almost and we have a 2 year old (whoops) anway, I have to admit I’m extremely unhappy. We’re young! (I’m 25 and he is 30) and our relationship is what I imagine to be of a 60 year old couple. He hardly kisses me and I’m the same but it’s because he doesn’t, we sleep back to back in bed, the sex is…honestly boring, there’s no passion. It seems like it’s hard for him to even say “I love you” or show any type of love and I’ve learned to do the same with him. He spends most of the time when he isn’t working out and doesn’t make time for us. He’s constantly on his phone and just shuts off. He often comes across as very cold and we don’t have deep conversations. I wonder if he is like this with all his previous relationships or if it’s just me.
I’m so frustrated and I’m young! He’s young too but I’m 25! And this is not how I imagine my life would be with a partner, I’m happier when we’re not together but I love him so it’s tricky.
What would you do if you were me and what is your relationship like (I
Know there’s no perfect relationship but mine is ridiculous)
Maybe talk to him tell him everything. Sometimes men are just men and forget we need emotional connection . I'm going on 7 years with my husband and sometimes I feel shut out of his life most times we just need alone time to reconnect and get that spark again.