The gag reflex is very sensitive as they gradually grow, but it is best to keep trying even if they are sick just little bits at a time and don’t show any concern when they are sick and act a bit like ‘oopsie let’s clean this up and then continue’ and keep smiling like it’s nothing to worry about as they feed off your emotions and if you get worried or scared they will feel the same and it will put them off! Just be patient your baby will get there and soon you won’t be able to keep anything out their mouth!
Sounds horrible but I've prechewed some food for my lo and just tried getting them eating what we eat and will get hands for now playing with the food also being important Emma Hubbard you tube is useful
My little boy was same but he is slowly starting to eat more solid food. But it is really slow and he is almost 10 months old. He likes his fruit and just try all vegetables.