Hey just wondering if anyone has any advice. My little girl (just turned 1) is a nightmare when it comes to food. She will only eat a few select foods and anything else I offer she won’t even try, either leaves it on the tray or more often than not chucks it on the floor!
She will eat - toast, crumpets, pancakes, fish fingers, potato tots or the like, banana, cheese, yoghurt. Usually it’s only a few nibbles of each then thrown on the floor.
I’ve tried her with pasta, fruit, veg, chicken, meatballs etc and half the time she won’t even touch them.
I really feel like I’m failing her, I don’t know what else to do. I’m offering her different choices every day, trying not to stress during meal times (which I find hard), not rushing etc.
Any one in a similar situation or been there and have some advice?
My son is the exact same since he turnt one on Sunday