My daughter is doing the same thing… fighting every single diaper change. I’ve read it’s a sign of readiness to potty train but also that it may just be defiant toddler behavior. I don’t know what to do, we could start potty training but she’s still in the pretoddler room at daycare until a toddler spot opens up and they won’t let pretoddlers use a potty so it’d be pointless for us to potty train now
They can potty train at 2. It’s better to do it now than later once they get into the Terrible twos. My son turns 2 in a few days. He’s pretty much fully potty trained. I just kept him pantsless when I could watch him. When he would start to go I carried him to the potty and said yay! Go potty! He peed all around it at first but then started to get the hang of it and go in the potty after a few weeks. Poop was harder but he’s finally got that down too. I went from pantless to commando in loose pants. When he has on underwear he still thinks it’s a diaper and will go in it. Eventually I’ll put the underwear on him but it normally takes at least two weeks to learn a new habit. I’m happy with him being potty trained and wearing looser pants. I’ve started carrying his small potty with me everywhere. And we’ve said goodbye for good to the diaper.
If you start at 4-5 months with elimination communication potty training it makes everything easier when you’re ready to officially quit the diaper. Here’s some videos that talk about this.
Our daughter is just over 2 and she has been so difficult to do diaper changes on for a while now. She’s been taking her clothes and diaper off any chance she gets. I noticed recently that she wasn’t having accidents when we let her run around naked for 1+ hours. And also had shown a lot of interest in wanting to sit on the potty. We also did a ton of bathroom talk/communication since 18 months. We did two diaper free weekends the past 2 weeks (after doing some slower potty introductions over the past 2 months). She had all the “steps” of going down, just needed that push on learning her body queues. Still in the thick of it, but she seems to be making a ton of progress and is asking to go, just doesn’t always make it yet. I didn’t do treats or stickers or anything. I would give her actives to do on the potty. Reading books, puzzles (things that wouldn’t fall in the toilet easily 😆) and she seemed to really love that. It has definitely been an exhausting process tho.