I don’t think you can go wrong with porridge and fruit, add in some ground seed I.e flax seed which are a real quick nutritional win to add in babies meals. We do this for early breakfast then something with eggs for brunch often a veg and meat or cheese omelette. Savoury waffles always go down well too, Asda do a £15 electric waffle maker that is super easy to use and clean. You can chuck anything in a waffle and they’re easy for little hand to pick up. I make them with egg and greek yoghurt instead of milk as it has more protein, which keeps them fuller for longer.
My little girl had toast or some porridge with fruit in it
https://rebeccawilson.com/recipe/quick-baby-flapjack/ I make these ahead of time and freeze them as my LO can eat them herself easier than porridge
Eggy bread, croissants or toast are a staple in our house! Fruit and yoghurt too 🥰
We make her porridge with her formula, when we started doing that we made the portion just a little bit bigger so she can get used to bigger breakfasts. Otherwise there's always toast or weetabix, pancakes etc :) there's so many really nice Pancake recipes out there for various fruits :)