Likely to get

Hi, baby currently measuring at 1st percentile so a very small baby. I am 24 weeks. My blood and urine results suggested that I was showing protein leaks and liver abnormalities but my blood pressure has been stable. My consultant thinks blood and urine results along with fact baby is small suggests I will develop preeclampsia. I just wondered if anyone had experience of this or had any words of encouragement. I would really obviously like baby to stay in as long as possible but doctors were mentally prepping us that anything can happen because preeclampsia is so unpredictable. Feeling anxious and worried and think this may ruin the rest of my pregnancy.
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Oh love, I know it’s so scary to manage the unknown. I had gestational diabetes & preeclampsia. The best thing is to get an at home blood pressure monitor and do your reading morning lunch and evening. Just for peace of mind. If you do get preeclampsia it’s managed by BP medication, and as long as you keep an eye on your reading you’ll find it easy to manage. My daughter came on the 37 weeks and measured very large and heavy, but she’s dropped down and now on the 50th percentile & doing amazing. Don’t let it worry you, remember you have so many people to be there to support and always call your triage if you’re worried AT ALL. That’s why they’re there. I was terrified when I found out but it was actually very easy to manage when I learned how to keep my anxiety at bay and communicated to the midwives often ♥️

So I had preeclampsia with my first who was a 29 weeker, with my second pregnancy I had twins. Twin A was born at the 2nd percentile while her twin was in the 94th at 33 weeks. They don't know why her cord failed, but I had zero signs of preeclampsia that time. Sometimes babies are really small and they don't know why it's happening.

i’m currently going thru this my baby isn’t small nor do i have high blood pressure but i have a high count of protein in my urine and my kidneys are not doing too good … mama is scared over here

Hey my baby boy stopped growing at 24 weeks and was born at 26 +5 he is now 18months and you genuinely would have no idea he was born at 1lb he has hit all his developmental milestones with no issues and has just been a champion from day 1

@Victoria hey Victoria - were you induced / c section or did you labour spontaneously?

@Rosie I was booked in for C-section early due to preeclampsia being unpredictable so they just decided to book me on the day of my 37ty week and then I had an epidural and they performed the delivery. It was nice having it planned as I made a playlist and was mentally prepared. Genuinely had no issues or discomfort in my C-section. to say I had fun is a weird thing but I did because the team were amazing.

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