
My 11 month old had a fever this week took him to ER said fever should break in a couple days and it did but now he has rashes and is uncomfortable sometimes
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Probably it’s roseola

my son had it after his fever as well! try a cool bath, typically goes away in two days

Definitely roseola! My daughter had this. She had a fever for a couple days and then woke up when the fever had broken and had a rash for about a week. It’s not itchy or anything but maybe try some Motrin and oatmeal baths

My baby just went through roseola. High fevers for 3 days and when the fever started breaking, a rash started on her body, neck and face and eventually covered some of her arms too. She was very fussy when the rash came. The rash is now almost gone (we are on day 3 of rashes)

Omg this tHank you!!!

Our 11 month also had fever for 2 days and rash the third day. Doctor confirmed and said it’s roseola

Wow thank you mommas!!! I feel a little better knowing what it is now

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