Hey! I know how you feel, I'm 29 weeks with my 2nd as well and I'm so much more anxious about birth this time around. I remember my first birth so vividly and I know how painful it will be 😖 I've been listening to a lot of the Australian Birth Stories podcast, it's been super insightful and helpful listening to other women tell their stories. I also had a very in depth appointment with my midwife about my previous birth and going through birth notes and everything so I have a better understanding of what happened last time, what I liked about the experience and what I would like to go differently this time
Totally normal, also 29 weeks and the anxiety of delivery has definitely set in!!! I think it’s natural as we know what to expect and have something to compare it too. Every experience can and most likely will be different but I can totally relate. I feel like a lot of my anxiety comes from being away from my son in this time too!
I am also 29 weeks but I keep telling myself I did it once, I can do again. Yeah it will hurt but it’s only physical pain. We can handle and heal from physical pain so easily. First birth I did all the Hypnobirthing and breathing techniques and mediations and listened to podcasts and had a natural, drug free birth but it was still the most painful thing I ever did 🤣🤣🤣 BUT it didn’t last longer than a day and I recovered super well. If I did it once, I can do it again. Just as every woman can and has done so before us! I have faith in all us women. We are stronger than we realise! 💪
I really recommend you read/listen to this book on Hypnobirthing! Not woo-woo I promise :) There are great strategies on how to relax your mind and why it's important for labour, using breathing techniques, meditation, positive affirmations, visualisation, and setting up your environment for calm! I found just by listening to the book it made me feel more confident, which has reduced my anxiety. You got this! https://open.spotify.com/show/7BFRJgOWrPeMRsGKNCl8IW?si=hsCwym3bRYm6Ea35z_6pdA