Induction advice

Hi ladies ! Just looking for some advice or positive experiences regarding induction ? Baby Is measuring big and has been since 20 odd weeks... doctors explained and gave the option of induction early. Decided to go ahead with one for 39w
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Oh I LOVED my experience. Despite being admitted over Christmas due to preeclampsia I could not have asked for a better experience. They gave me the choice of the hormonal pessary or mechanical rods. I chose the pessary which they inserted Xmas Eve and hooked me up the the monitor to check baby for half hour, had that in for 24 hours, they took that out and I was at 3cm so they were able to pop my waters! They left me for a couple hours to see if I’d progress on my own (try your best to keep active at this stage) unfortunately I didn’t so I did have the hormonal drip to move things along, that started at about 4pm, by 6 I was asking for gas and air, by 8pm I was 7cm (only expected to be 5ish) and started pushing by 10:30. My baby girl made her appearance at 11.01pm Christmas Day weighing 6lbs 15oz Your birthing partners I believe really do make a difference in the whole thing! As well as the midwife! My midwife was an absolute angel I’ll never forget her!

I loveddd my induction. They made me feel so calm and relaxed. I had my induction at 37w due to pprom at 30w, I was already 1/2cm dilated so they was able to pop my waters without the balloon or the tablet looking thing and my contractions begun on there own about an hour later. I had to go onto the hormonal drip to fasten things up but if u have that u have to be monitored constantly and from what I can remember I don’t think I was able to eat whilst on the drip so eat prior to that if u can. I also recommend getting epidural if u get hormonal drip as it makes contractions feel more intense, only feels like a bee sting if you’ve never had epidural before🥰 Best of luck to you hope everything goes smoothly❤️

Thank you ❤️ I hope things go as smoothly as they can , thanks for sharing

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