In the same boat!
French toast?
Poached or boiled Pancakes
Mine loves boiled egg. Loves peeling it. It's a whole experience 😂 She also loves eating soft boiled eggs with me together.
Mine have only just started taking an interest in them they never usually like them but it has to have pieces of Smokey bacon my dad introduced them to it
Mine too! Such a strange thing to dislike. She did dip a chip in a runny yolk the other day though which I was happy with 😂
Banana pancakes!
I make sweetcorn fritters and banana pancakes
Dippy egg
We make muffins or pancakes to get extra protein
My daughter absolutely hates eggs. If I put any form of egg on her plate and she eats some without realising what it is, she spits it out immediately and refuses to touch it again. However…if I have egg on my plate, it seems to not taste the same as the egg on her plate and she seems more than happy to eat all of my eggs 🙃😂
Only manage to give eggs , as eggy bread , in muffins or in pancakes !
Mine doesn’t either! Would make things so easy!