
Is anyone’s else’s baby still on just purées and not real chewy food I guess is the way to put it?😂😅 we are on purées here and I feel so guilty when I see other babies eating waffles and stuff like that, I’ve tried textures and everytime my baby just vomits. I know I need to get over a choking fear but I’m also alone 97% of the time I have no “village” therefore I have nobody to really get advice/help from, everything online is so everywhere. At about 10 months or 10 1/2 months my baby got sick so we took him to the pediatrician and I had mentioned something about it when I was there and she didn’t seem concerned at all and when you look it up it says that they don’t really need to get off purées until 12 months, but I’m just scared of making him behind in eating which sounds crazy when I type this but idk. Just a mom feeling guilty per usual, help a girl out. What was the very FIRST chewing food you gave to your baby? I do have a life vac I got last week so that calms me down but still 😅 or am I just geeking and it’s not a big deal??
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I think the very first chewy foods my son had was like anything with bread since one he can hold and touch it usually French toast and like French fries. Biggest thing I had to learn is they are going to gag. Gagging doesn’t equal choking and it’s part of them learning how to eat. they have to learn to maneuver food around like we do. they have to build those skills and I also had to learn to associate gagging as a good sign because if he was choking he wouldn’t be able to make that noise at all. But if you don’t feel comfortable giving you baby anything but purée right now that’s still fine it’s scary to give them soft food and it’s food either way

ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU’RE COMFY WITH!! Baby might be ready for some soft solids, eggs, French toast, basically anything that you can mush easily with your fingers is what I started with, ultimately baby will let you know when they’re ready :) my boy started yanking food off my plate and trying to eat it so I just started cutting what we eat into tiny baby choke proof pieces and he loves it :) as long as they’re maintaining a healthy weight, hitting milestones and sleeping good you’re doing great mama

I don't remember which was first, but it was either scrambled eggs or some kind of fruit. Would it help you feel better if you were to take an infant/child CPR class?

hes had purees since 5 months to help with his reflux, and he got his teeth late so 2 weeks ago i just started giving him solids i wasnt really comfortable without him having teeth!

I’m still on mainly purées. I’m terrified of choking. We have twins and I’m also working without a village

Avocado, banana, scrambled eggs. Anything soft or “mushy” like that 😊

Just find a puree he really likes and whatever it is you can make it at home and gradually make it thicker. I was the exact same way try mashed bananas or even stage 3 foods. I did stage 3 till I was comfortable and then we gradually moved from there best of luck my inbox is always open :) Also mashed potatoes is great to try as well

I was feeling EXACTLY what you’re feeling a few weeks ago. My daughter will be 1 on 2/25. Probably two months ago I started giving her those sticks that basically melt in your mouth. At first it scared me, but I would test them out to see how easy they actually do melt and that helped ease some of my worries. In the last two weeks, I’ve introduced some solid foods. Download the Solid Starts app if you don’t already have it. It’s very helpful and gives you different ways to introduce new foods, don’t pay for it. You can still get a lot of beneficial information for free. I like to give half a banana in three spears and she eats that very well. I steamed some green beans last week to where they were very, very soft and she would hold one and eat it. Last night for the first time I made her salmon, because it flakes so easy once it’s cooked, she loved it! I also made her some very soft, sweet potato fries that I ended up cutting into pincher sized pieces. She loves that too

She loves the beech nut melties too and the happy baby teething crackers

It was a huge deal for me as well! I would sweat at every meal, also alone at home most of the day. I suggest a slow transition with little pieces of scramble egg, for example. I also sometimes mash the pieces of food with a fork or clean hand. I promise they learn quickly, but they need to practice. But don't feel bad about the delay. You are feeding your baby! Mine started rejecting purees, so we had no choice. She is currently holding a piece of food and biting, but it has been a slow process as well! Sometimes she bites too big, and I freak out.

We kept to softer foods at first. Have you tried doing chunky puree types? Like mashed bananas or ripe avocado? That's what I used as my gateway to solid foods. And yes it did suck at first, there was a lot of gagging. But by using the softer foods I was able to control the sizes and was less scared of choking. Also I had to get into the mindset that babies gag reflex is more forward in their mouth than adults and so they have to pretty much desensitize it so it moves back in their throat. Also they have baby puff foods that practically dissolve in the baby food aisle. When they get wet they shrink real quick and they're pretty much air.

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